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Dedicated to providing the most promising neuroscience and medical breakthroughs so you can live your BEST LIFE

Tending Your Inner Garden
Tending our inner garden is a practice that we can use to journey inward and gain healing and restoration. What is it in your inner garden t

Neuroscience of Asynchronous Development in Bright Minds
*Previously published on 2e News and Variations Magazine at “If you are always trying to be normal you may never...

Neuroscience of Anxiety in the Bright Brain
William Shakespeare wrote, “Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.” It is important to remember, when one’s mind tends to...

Brain Fog? Lift the Cloud!
The absolute awesomeness of twenty-four seven connectedness is exactly what distorts our reality of space and time causing us to be more...

Six Ways to Shift Your Brain from Work to Home
The 21st century lifestyle leaves us with little room for unwinding and taking time for ourselves. Whether it be rushing after work to...

Brain Fingerprints
Neurodiversity is the new norm. Much of our lives we have been taught that the brain and human personality has a “Goldilocks” setting...

Three Minute Mindful Breath
This mindful breath is adapted from Insight LA. Mindful breath can be done with the eyes opened or closed, standing, sitting, lying down,...

The Power of Breath
For as long as I can remember I've been a shallow breather. Taking half breaths, where the oxygen barely reaches my chest, not passing...
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